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Fairness, development and responsibility are important values to me. That is why I want to encourage progress in myself and others. Therefore, I learn, facilitate and inspire.

How I facilitate progress

Focal Areas


What use are the best ideas if nobody notices them? Since 2008, I have been responsible for communications in political organisations in various functions.


At the "Y-Politik" podcast Tanja Hille and I look for solutions for the third millennium. So far we have produced over 45 episodes and were recommended by Spotify for information on the European elections 2019.


I love to support others in their development – whether as a mentor, team leader or workshop host. Because little is more satisfying than helping someone to have an "aha" moment.


Podcast Production on the Future of Europe

Podcast Production on the Future of Europe

For the Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft and their project "Weiter.Denken.Ordnen.Gestalten." I produced a podcast episode on the future of Europe in 2019. Interview partners were Ulrike Guérot and Henrik Enderlein.

Get Out the Vote Workshop

Get Out the Vote Workshop

For the party school of the SPD Berlin-Mitte, I gave a training course on GOTV election campaigning before the 2019 European elections.

Campaigning Workshop

Campaigning Workshop

In the run-up to the 2019 European elections, I trained a group from the European umbrella organisation of Young European Federalists in the basics of campaigning.



Only four hours to the first podcast episode: For the European Academy Berlin, I gave a podcast workshop in front of an international audience.

Y Politik-Podcast

Y Politik-Podcast

In more than 45 episodes, Tanja Hille and I have sought solutions for the third millennium. Spotify awarded the show as a top podcast for information about the European Election 2019.

Progressive Governance Symposium

Progressive Governance Symposium

As project manager of the think tank "The Progressive Centre", I coordinated the Progressive Governance Symposium in July 2017 with over 100 scientists, intellectuals and politicians.

European Youth Convention

European Youth Convention

One hundred fifty representatives of youth organisations from 38 countries have drawn up a European Constitution. I led the communication team.

New Merchandising for JEF

New Merchandising for JEF

As JEF Federal Secretary, I led the inter-association working group and was responsible for the concept and ordering of new merchandising.

Europaretter Campaign 2014

Europaretter Campaign 2014

As JEF Vice President for public relations, I was responsible for the internal mobilisation and training as well as the design of the campaign and social media support.

European Parliamentary Forum

European Parliamentary Forum

Together with the project group from JEF and EUD I designed the format and took over the moderation for the 2015 and 2016 issues.

Statehouse Race in Texas

Statehouse Race in Texas

As campaign associate of a statehouse candidate in Texas, I got to know the US election campaign machinery. Wearing a cowboy hat on my head, I went door-to-door in the south of the country, temporarily managed a campaign office and created graphics.

European Election Campaign

European Election Campaign

In the campaign headquarters of the SPD Berlin, I completed the compulsory internship of my master's degree. My field of activity ranged from door-to-door actions to the conception and placement of Facebook and newspaper advertisements and the evaluation of the election campaign.

Federal Election Campaign

Federal Election Campaign

Dietmar Nietan is member of the Bundestag for Düren, NRW. For him, I was responsible for the whole online presence, including Facebook ads and video production.


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Y Politik-Podcast

Politics has always meant tackling problems. But the third millennium needs new solutions. Tanja Hille and I have been presenting these in over 45 episodes in the "Y Politik" Podcast - not neutral, never perfect and yet always optimistic.


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